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Former Google, Amazon Employee named Valerie Valcourt quits 6 Figure job to work as Pastry Assistant

 Former Google and Amazon employee makes a bold career pivot, leaving behind a six-figure salary to pursue her passion as a pastry assistant, in a move that underscores the pursuit of personal fulfillment over financial success.

Leaving the corporate world behind, Valerie Valcourt, a former employee of tech giants Google and Amazon, has embarked on a new culinary journey, trading boardrooms for bakeries to pursue her passion for pastry-making. Despite the allure of a lucrative career in the tech industry, she found herself longing for a more creative and hands-on profession that would allow her to express her culinary talents.

After much soul-searching and deliberation, Valerie Valcourt made the courageous decision to follow her heart and pursue her passion for baking full-time. Despite the significant pay cut and uncertainty that accompanied her career change, she found fulfillment and joy in her new role as a pastry assistant, immersing herself in the art of baking and honing her skills under the guidance of seasoned pastry chefs.

Her story serves as a testament to the importance of pursuing one's passions and prioritizing personal fulfillment over financial gain.

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